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2 minutes reading time (364 words)

Gluten Free Maple Apple Crisp Dessert (low oxalate, dairy free, paleo, AIP)


An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away?

If you like apples, you'll love this gluten free maple apple dessert. 

I used to make a version with cinnamon, but in an effort to cut down on oxalates, this Maple version was born. It's every bit as delicious as the original version but still compliant with low oxalate eating.

It's much easier to make than an apple pie (faster too!) and can help fill that down home American craving.

 Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 35-45 min

Total Time: 45-55 min

  Recipe Ingredients:

  • 4-6 Apples, peeled, cored and sliced
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Flour
  • 2-4 Tablespoons Butter or Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup + 1 Tablespoon
  • Sea Salt to taste

  Recipe Instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  2. Peel, core and slice apples. Toss in Lemon Juice and 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup. Stir to coat. Place in over safe baking dish, I like using my glass loaf pan.
  3. Mix together a sprinkle of Sea Salt and Coconut Flour. Using forks or a pasty cutter, cut with butter or coconut oil. Start with 2 Tablespoons, you don't want too much. Add in 1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup. Add more Butter/Coconut Oil as needed. You want the mixture to be sandy or barely sticking together to form small crumbs/balls. 
  4. Top your maple syrup covered apples with the crumble mixture. Try to sprinkle over the top evenly.
  5. Bake for 35-45 minutes depending how soft you like your apples.
  6. Serve Warm. Get creative with toppings including other fruits like cherries, cream cheese, and frosting.

Leftovers are great mixed with Easy Gluten Free Overnight Oats.

Recipe Attributes

    • Shellfish Free
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